Fun Times – Dew Worms

Fishing was a wonderful and popular activity at the “Mat”. As I mentioned, my dad loved to fish for Lake Trout. I’m not sure what kind of bait he used, but I think it was a spinning lure. However, most of the guests used live bait, Dew Worms. So much so that there was a constant need for “fresh bait – Dew Worms.

Bring on two enterprising young entrepreneurs, Donny and me! With this “ongoing” need, Donny and I hatched a plan to fulfil the needs of these starving fishermen (people?). We decided to capture new Dew Worms ourselves and then sell them. A box of Dew Worms would net us about ten cents. We were going to be “rich” bait entrepreneurs. On evenings, when the ground was wet (dewy), we would find a good Dew Worm catching spot. We would then get on our knees, flashlights in hand, and start searching for the allusive worms. Frankly, they didn’t want to be caught, but we persevered the catch enough to fill our “small” buckets, a “good nights” work! With that task completed, we would them take our “bounty” to the Inn’s icehouse. Yes, they had an “icehouse”. Back then, refrigerators were still not that widely used in the north.

The next day we would offer the fresh bait to willing fishermen. With our pocket full of cash, we “drove” to the bank to deposit our profits. Okay, you caught be in a lie! Actually, we went to the Inn’s tuck-shop and filled our pockets with “goodies”!

Oh well, I guess you could call it a labour of love (for candy)!



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