Summer Memories ~ Lake of Bays

Getting There – The Road (Part Three)
However, once we got passed the bad traffic and reached to turnoff road to Baysville, that’s when the “real” fun began. When my parents first purchased the cottage the road from the turnoff (Muskoka District Road 117) to Baysville was amazing, that is if you loved (I did) twisty, windy and hilly roads. Fortunately, my dad loved the road and used to drive it fairly quickly, especially at the steeper hills. As he approached the hill he would speed up. More so at the peek of the hill! I’m sure he did it for my benefit and his ”humour”. As we raced over the hill, my stomach would “sink” and I would cry out “my gogo feels funny”. We would all laugh, even my mother, and we would look forward to the next fun hill.

Later, when I had my own car, a 1959 Triumph 2A, I would drive the road like it was a Formula One racetrack! I would “down shift" as I went into a curve and the “up shift” when I was going out of the corner! What a thrill, and I don’t know how I didn’t crash. Skill, I would say, luck my parents would say, if they knew. By the way, my gogo still felt funny when I “flew” over the hills!

Unfortunately (my opinion), over the years, the “powers to be” decided that travelers didn’t want a “Formula One racetrack” and they straightened, paved and flattened a “perfectly” fun road.

Later in this essay, I’ll tell you more of my love of cars and of driving them.


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