Appleby College

Life Goes On… (continued)

NOTE: It’s been a long time since I attended Appleby (1959), my memory might be a little hazy. If you see something lacking, or something incorrect, feel free to let me know where I went wrong.

   There were two “Cadet” highlights for me.

Each year, on a designated Sunday, after we were well practice in the “art” of group marching, we would gather, in our “spit and polished” uniforms on the school grounds, then form up in our respective platoons. Soon, we were given the order to start the parade. Officers yelling out commands, the school military band playing loudly, and with feet pounding on the pavement, we moved off the school property and onto the streets of Oakville. People, mainly beaming parents, would line the sidewalks and cheer us on. We march proudly, normally in step, heads held high, to the downtown core of Oakville. Ceremonies were held, and then we would separately meet our waiting families. As you can imagine, it was quite a spectacle for us, for our parents and for the residents of Oakville.

The second highlight of the “Cadet” year was the mock battle. The mock battle took place on the lower football field. There were two sides fighting on another. During the “battle” there was a lot of noise and smoke. Orders were given, guns fired and lots of kayos from both groups. It was my first introduction to a military re-enactment!

(to be continued)


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