Richview Collegiate Institute (RCI)

Roller Skating

The purchase of the Eaton’s motor scooter brought other rewards, roller skating! Roller skating (not roller blading, that came later) was a popular activity and I wanted to be part of it. The best place to roller skate was Mutual Arena. Unfortunately, it wasn’t within walking (or rolling) distance from my home and there was no convenient public transportation available. The answer was my new Eaton’s scooter. This is how I got to Mutual Arena. At first, my roller skating, especially on rented skates, was awful, but eventually, I got the hang of it and enjoyed the skating. Soon I became part of the “roller skating” crowd, and I met a “cute” girl. I wanted to get much better at skating, I wanted to impress the “cute” girl with my skills! That’s when I became really serious about roller skating. I purchased my own “professional” skates, and took a few lessons. In time, she became my skating dance partner. I’d like to tell you that we went on to win lots of dance competitions, but that’s not what happened.

Similar to the skates I bought.
(to be continued)




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