Richview Collegiate Institute (RCI)

Roller Skating (continued)

What really happened, was that we “liked” one another and started to date. She would ride on the back of my scooter and we would travel the streets of Toronto. One “little” sticking point about the scooter was that it wasn’t very powerful! My “dancing” partner lived on Yonge Street, just south of the 401 Highway. Her house was on the east side of the street, about halfway up the hill from “Hoggs Hollow”. If you know the area, Hoggs Hollow is at the bottom of two very steep hills. Traveling on my scooter, going down the hill was easy, but going up the hill to her home, was NOT! Part way up the hill, we would both have to get off the scooter and start pushing it up the hill, the rest of the way. As you can imagine, this was not a very romantic way of ending a date! Eventually our “like” faded and my passion for roller skating waned, and then stopped.

I did, however, keep the skates and occasionally “road” on them to school. We lived in Thorncrest Village, and Richview Collegiate was about 3 and a half kilometers away. It was a “bumpy” ride, but it was quicker than walking. 


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