Life Goes On ~ Work!

Padre Island The change came in the form of selling time-share in Padre Island . The company who owned the time-shares paid me a salary. It was a very high-pressured job. They wanted results and fast! I thought it would be like real estate sales, but I was very wrong! My time with the company was short lived! Time to star to look once again! Dayton-Wright Remember I told you about my friends and former clients, Klaus and Gerry , and Dayton Wright , this is where they come in. the “ boys ” purchased a half interest into a electronic audio manufactures, Dayton Wright . Their partner in this company was an eccentric electronic designer, Mike Wright . He was the genius behind “ mind blowing ” electrostatic loud speakers . He was having financial challenges, and that’s where Klaus and Gerry came in. In addition to some manufacturing problems, ( I’ll tell you more about that later ) the products that the company manufactured weren’t selling very well. (to be continued)