Life Goes On ~ Work!
At the time I left, P.A.M. and Crown Life , I was living in Bramalea . When I decided to change careers to become a real estate salesman , I looked around the area. Johnson Carney at the time seemed to be the area’s premier real estate brokerage, so I applied for a job with them. To make a long story shorter, they liked me and offer me a job. I had to obtain my real estate license, but Jonson Carney had an excellent training program and I passed the tests. Here I was, a real estate salesman, on commission, ( with a little draw ) ready to conquer the world, or, at least, Bramalea and Brampton ! During that period real estate sales were slow, and my commissions were low. I really liked the job. The owners of the company, Art Johnson , was an excellent boss and very generous, but with little money coming in, a family to fee, I became very upset. Again, I needed a change.